
AUG 2025


The positive energy and the countless tangible images of Sail 2015 make us yearn for Sail 2025 finally. Today, we are in full preparation to present yet another open-minded and welcoming stage for ships to dock, for bands and theater groups to perform, for sustainable entrepreneurs to present at the market and for organic cooks and bartenders to pamper. But mostly, to bring cheerful green souls together on unique grounds. Keep you posted!

JULY 2024


YES, currently we are making our first trans Atlantic tour with our own sailing cargo ship called IDE MIN under company KAAP KARGO. We collected cacao beans, panella, rum and of course coffee beans!

The goods crosses the ocean by sailing ship, 100% powered by wind & nature.

We expect IDE MIN back in Amsterdam early July where the cargo will be unloaded at Kaap de Groene Hoop. Stay tuned and come visit us while the goods will be unloaded at our piers!




‘Take part in a night of nautical nonsense.’

Hmm… yeah… It’s happening. We are opening! Upstairs and downstairs!

For the last year, we have reached a fairly absurd level of stress management. But right now we got to the point where we just can’t wait any longer… Let’s start pouring all your glasses half full and share our ship… I mean, nowadays, we’ve been cleaning it for merely us… That’s not fun at all.

….So what are we doing?

Upstairs, the restaurant will open with our first Residency Chef, Iñaki Bolumburu. Basque born, world raised.

He will be sharing his eclectic cuisine with us for the next few months…

We want to mention that our happiness is mostly created by tantalizing food experiences.

13 - 14 AUG 2022


Kaap de Groene Hoop is the proud home port for the Greenpeace fleet. For nearly 50 years Greenpeace is sailing the oceans protecting the world against environmental wrongdoing and injustice. Whether battling illegal ship loading, obstructing oil rigs, researching the impact of climate change or supporting humanitarian operations: the ships are vital for any Greenpeace campaign.

The RAINBOW WARRIOR & ARCTIC SUNRICE will moor these days again and will be open to have a guided tour!

15 JUL 2022


YES, we collected our first coffee beans for KAAP Koffie with sailing ship LUN II.

Our coffee crosses the ocean by sailing ship, 100% powered by nature,

from France to Colombia and back to Amsterdam where the cargo is unloaded at Kaap de Groene Hoop.

Kaap Koffie is a plea for change. A manifest rather than a cup of coffee.

15th of July is the official Arrival party with an expo.

11 - 12 SEPT 2021


Kaap de Groene Hoop is the proud home port for the Greenpeace fleet. For nearly 50 years Greenpeace is sailing the oceans protecting the world against environmental wrongdoing and injustice. Whether battling illegal ship loading, obstructing oil rigs, researching the impact of climate change or supporting humanitarian operations: the ships are vital for any Greenpeace campaign.

The RAINBOW WARRIOR will moor these days again and unfortunately still limited access inside due to COVID-19 regulations but hey the view and feeling from the outside is valuable too!

8 - 9 AUG 2021

Tinguely twee dagen terug in Amsterdam

Om het 25-jarig jubileum van het Museum Tinguely in Bazel te vieren, reist een omgebouwd schip van Parijs naar Amsterdam, en vervolgens terug naar Bazel. Het Stedelijk Museum en Amsterdam speelden een belangrijke rol in de loopbaan van de Zwitserse kunstenaar Jean Tinguely (1925-1991).
Op 8 en 9 augustus arriveert het schip aan de NDSM werf bij ons in Kaap de Groene Hoop in Amsterdam.
Het tweedaagse programma op het schip en in het Stedelijk bestaat uit performances, films, de documentatietentoonstelling Et tout ceci est vrai! over het werk van de kunstenaar en de presentatie van Tinguely’s kinetische sculptuur Schwimmwasserplastik (1980).

We are proud to present!

14 - 19 OCT 2020

Skoon Energy | Greenpeace Rainbow Warrior

First pilot with SKOON Energy and Greenpeace ship RAINBOW WARRIOR

As a green motivated and sustainable harbor we do our utmost to avoid running diesel generators when the ships are moored. We have our first pilot with SKOON Energy which offers:

Clean Energy on Demand

Connecting battery owners and energy users to ensure that clean energy can be accessed anywhere,

SKOON is accelerating the energy transition with a network of clean mobile energy solutions.
Renewable energy stored in batteries can be rented on our battery sharing platform,
providing a clean and financially competitive alternative to diesel power.

And…we succeeded!


1 SEPT 2020


The pavilion designed by zU-studio architecture and developed by Kaap de Groene Hoop and Woodies at Berlin, has arrived to Amsterdam after being built in Arnhem by Helldörfer.

zU-studio was invited to design a pavilion and the condition was to build it on top of an old Dortmunder Ship.

The contrast between the old ship and a totally new and contemporary structure , was the driving force of the Project.

“Ships are transporting containers, but they can also transport art pieces or sculptures”

The floating pavilion will be built into a high-end restaurant.

Keep tuned in for the progress.


Aug 2020


The positive energy and the countless tangible images of Sail 2015 make us yearn for Sail 2020. Today, we are in full preparation to present yet another open-minded and welcoming stage for befriended ships to dock, for bands and theater groups to perform, for sustainable entrepreneurs to present and for organic cooks and bartenders to pamper. But mostly, to bring cheerful green souls together on unique grounds.

